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5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for Nursery - Bullabaloo

5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Toddler for Nursery

Discover five simple, effective strategies to prepare your toddler for nursery, from establishing routines to fostering independence, ensuring a smooth transition and a positive start to their early education journey.
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Bullabaloo's Guide to Smart Shopping: Unlocking the Best Offers - Bullabaloo

Bullabaloo's Guide to Smart Shopping: Unlocking the Best Offers

Explore Bullabaloo's Guide to Smart Shopping, where you'll unlock the secrets to finding the best offers, maximising value, and making informed choices that ensure you get the most out of every purchase for you and your little one.
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Introducing Our Satin Pram Blankets: The Ultimate Comfort for Babies - Bullabaloo

Introducing Our Satin Pram Blankets: The Ultimate Comfort for Babies

Discover the luxury and comfort of our Satin Pram Blankets, meticulously designed to provide your baby with the ultimate soothing experience, blending softness, warmth, and a gentle sensory touch for peaceful moments on the go.
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Dummies & Comforters - Bullabaloo

Dummies & Comforters

Uncover the roles and benefits of dummies (pacifiers) and comforters in soothing babies, understanding how each can be used effectively and safely to bring comfort and peace.
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When Your Husband Doesn't Help With Baby Because He Works - Bullabaloo

When Your Husband Doesn't Help With Baby Because He Works

Explore strategies and conversations to encourage shared parenting responsibilities, understanding the challenges of balancing work and family life, and creating a supportive environment where both parents contribute to baby care.
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Nurturing Your Baby Begins with Your Gut: The Ultimate Guide to Gut Health Before, During, and After Pregnancy - Bullabaloo

Nurturing Your Baby Begins with Your Gut: The Ultimate Guide to Gut Health Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Whether you're embarking on the exciting journey of parenthood, in the radiant glow of pregnancy, or embracing the joy of your newborn, Bullabaloo has an essential wellness tip that can transform your life and that of your baby: the enhancement of gut health.

Gut Health and Pregnancy: An Intimate Connection

What if we told you that within the depths of your gut thrives a complex and fascinating world? A world with trillions of bacteria, creating a micro-ecosystem known as the microbiome. This hidden universe impacts every facet of your health, and even more remarkably, the health and well-being of your baby.

Think of your gut microbiome as a vibrant tropical paradise, teeming with diverse life. This intricate system supports digestion, mental clarity, immunity, heart vitality, robust bones, and radiant skin. But sadly, modern stressors, chemicals, processed sugars, antibiotics, and pollution wreak havoc on this delicate balance. The result? Gut dysbiosis—a condition linked to a multitude of health challenges for both you and your little one:

  • Skin breakouts
  • Digestive issues
  • Respiratory allergies
  • Mental health disorders
  • Chronic diseases
  • Dental problems
  • Weight management struggles

The uniqueness of your baby's microbiome starts with you. The balance of bacteria in their body is a direct reflection of your gut health. So, by nurturing your gut, you set the stage for your baby's optimal health.

A Gut Transformation: Where to Begin?

A thriving gut is about balance. Just like restoring a rainforest, you need to reintroduce healthy bacteria (probiotics) and feed them the right nourishment (prebiotics).

Imagine a revitalised Amazon rainforest, replenished and resplendent. This transformation is akin to nurturing your gut. It's not merely about adding living organisms; it's about ensuring they have the nutrients to flourish.

The Dynamic Duo: Probiotics & Prebiotics

  • Probiotics: These are live, beneficial bacteria that rejuvenate your gut health. A fantastic source is kefir—a fermented drink that has gained acclaim through extensive research. Opt for goat's milk kefir as it’s often more digestible, and choose pure, unflavoured variants to get the maximum benefit.

  • Prebiotics: These plant fibres act as nourishment for your healthy gut bacteria. Found in fruits, vegetables, and unique sources like red miso and maitake mushroom, they help stimulate the growth of friendly microbes in your gut.


Gut Health: A Key to Fertility, Pregnancy, and New Motherhood

Trying for a Baby? A Balanced Gut Combats Infertility

A healthy gut can be the hidden answer to fertility struggles. Gut dysbiosis, or the imbalance of gut bacteria, has been associated with hormonal imbalances that can impact fertility. By nurturing gut health, you may enhance reproductive health and increase your chances of conceiving. Prebiotics and probiotics play a vital role in supporting this balance.

  • Balancing Hormones: Certain gut bacteria assist in the production and regulation of hormones like estrogen. An imbalance can lead to fertility issues.
  • Reducing Inflammation: Gut health is linked to inflammation in the body, which can also affect fertility. A well-balanced gut helps control inflammation, supporting reproductive wellness.
  • Improving Nutrient Absorption: Essential nutrients like folate are crucial for conception. A healthy gut ensures that your body absorbs these vital nutrients efficiently.

For more information on gut health and fertility, you may refer to the British Fertility Society.

During Pregnancy? From Reducing Eczema Risk in Newborns to Preventing Mood Disorders, Improved Gut Health is a Blessing

Pregnancy brings immense joy and its fair share of uncertainties. Improving gut health can provide support during this unique journey.

  • Reducing Eczema and Allergies in Newborns: A study from the UK has shown that probiotics during pregnancy can lower the risk of eczema in babies by 22% (source).
  • Preventing Mood Disorders: Supporting gut health helps maintain serotonin levels, often called the "happy hormone." This regulation can prevent mood swings and depression during pregnancy.
  • Enhancing Immunity: Probiotics support a healthy immune system, safeguarding both mother and baby from infections.

Already a New Mum? Enhance Healing Post-partum, Boost Energy, and Alleviate Common Infant Issues like Colic

Postpartum is a time of healing, joy, and challenges. Gut health can be a silent partner in ensuring a smooth transition into new motherhood.

  • Faster Post-partum Healing: A balanced gut supports overall health, which can aid in quicker recovery post-delivery.
  • Energy Boost: New mums often feel fatigued. A healthy gut aids in nutrient absorption, providing energy when it's needed most.
  • Preventing and Alleviating Infant Issues: Gut health can affect breastfeeding quality, thus influencing the baby's gut health. Probiotics and prebiotics can help alleviate common issues like colic, as highlighted in this UK-based study.


Gut health isn't merely a buzzword; it's a vital aspect of women's health at every stage of motherhood. From conception to the joys of holding your newborn, and into the first precious months of life, a balanced gut is a foundational support system. Embracing a gut-healthy lifestyle can be a significant step towards a joyful and healthy journey into motherhood. 

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Sleep Regression or Progression? - Bullabaloo

Sleep Regression or Progression?

We are incredibly excited to present a special guest blog post today. We're privileged to have Sophie from Sophie Sleep contributing to our blog. Sophie isn’t just any expert – she is a trained Norland Nanny and a highly experienced Baby Sleep Consultant. Her unique combination of professional training and practical experience provides valuable insights and practical advice for all parents and caregivers. Get ready to glean some wisdom from Sophie's wealth of knowledge in ensuring restful sleep for your little ones. We can't wait for you to explore her enlightening piece - enjoy!

sleep regression or progression? - Bullabaloo

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and somebody who believes in them.” - Magic Johnson

Sleep Regression or Progression? - Bullabaloo

What is a sleep regression?

Sleep regressions are often related to periods when your baby or toddler is waking lots and you are unsure on what to do as they have not done this before.

This is an often debated topic and there is a lot of speculation on what they are and what they involve. There is no doubt your baby will go through changes in their sleep, however this does not necessarily mean things are going to be awful and there are things that can help make the transitions smoother.

I personally do not like the term 'regression' as it comes across very negative and I hear it being spoken about a lot. I like to view this stage as a sleep 'progression' rather than a 'regression' as your baby is growing and developing how they should be. Therefore, we should see this stage as a positive rather than a negative.

Sometimes your baby may show some obvious signs that they are going through this progression, whereas others may not show anything and you may not notice. It is also a good idea to have a think about what else might be happening in your little ones life e.g. meeting developmental milestones like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, walking, teething, growth spurts, heightened separation anxiety, starting childcare etc. as these could all have a potential impact on sleep.

What are the signs they may be going through a sleep progression?

#1 Your baby has now started waking more often in the night

#2 Their naps seem a lot shorter than usual

#3 Generally more restless sleep

#4 Harder to settle for naps and at bedtime

When does a sleep regression happen?

Your baby's sleep will naturally start maturing and changing at around 4 months of age, this can be slightly before or after. You may notice your baby's sleep also changes at other ages but this is generally due to external factors that may be happening like developmental milestones or illness.

What is happening around 4 months?

#1 Circadian rhythm starts to form e.g. the difference between day and night

#2 Their sleep cycles start to become more 'adult like'

#3 They spend less time in REM sleep and start to experience more NREM sleep

#4 They may start smiling / cooing and making sounds back at you

#5 They may start rolling over

#6 Increased awareness of their surrounding environment

#7 Hand-eye coordination is developing

#8 Starting to develop head / neck strength

What can I do to help my baby sleep better during these times?

#1 Routine & consistency: Try to stick to a short consistent bedtime routine and maintain healthy sleep habits / hygiene. Your bedtime routine does not need to be long winded and complicated. Keep things short and simple and adapt as needs be. You may also want to do a 'mini' version of your routine during nap times as-well.

#2 Ever-changing sleep needs: Be aware that your baby's sleep needs / routine will constantly be changing to adapt to their new age and stage of development. This means that your baby may no longer need their morning nap, but now has a longer afternoon nap instead.

#3 What else might be going on? It is also important to consider if your baby is really going through a sleep progression or whether they are unwell. Always go with your gut and get your baby seen if they are struggling and things really do not seem right. Your GP and other health professionals are always their for you to have a chat.

#4 Try and be patient: It can be a very frustrating time when your baby is no longer sleeping like they used to do. Try and take some deep breaths and reach out for help and support when needed. There is always someone there to help and guide you through, whether that be your partner, family, friends or health professionals, no one is their to judge. Everyone is willing to help.

We have followed all the advice on riding through the progression phase and things seem to not be improving?

It is common for parents and carers to struggle with their little ones sleep as the core sleep architecture of the brain changes at around 4 months old. It is never too late to make changes and improve your little ones sleep and here at Sophie Sleep we offer various packages to support you on your journey. We offer a range of remote 1:1 consultations along with in home support whereby we can work together to pinpoint current challenges and create a solution that works for your and your family.

If you'd like to learn more about Sophie and her fantastic work in helping families achieve peaceful nights, please visit the Sophie Sleep website www.sophiesleep.com. Discover an array of insightful resources, professional advice, and effective sleep solutions for your little ones.

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The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Baby Sleeping Safely - Bullabaloo

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Baby Sleeping Safely

This comprehensive guide delves into the essential practices and precautions for ensuring your baby's sleep safety, covering everything from the ideal sleeping environment and position to understanding sleep patterns and recognising potential risks.
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Which Baby Sleep Regression Is The Worst? - Bullabaloo

Which Baby Sleep Regression Is The Worst?

We'll discuss the various stages of baby sleep regression, with a focus on identifying which phase parents often find most challenging and why, while offering insights and strategies to navigate these sleep disruptions with ease.
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Bullabaloo's Newest Collection: Satin Comforters - Bullabaloo

Bullabaloo's Newest Collection: Satin Comforters

Discover what put Bullabaloo on the map with our multi Award-Winning Baby Comforter: the satin comforter!
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How Can I Help My Baby Sleep Faster? - Bullabaloo

How Can I Help My Baby Sleep Faster?

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How Postnatal Depression Affects Friends and Family - Bullabaloo

How Postnatal Depression Affects Friends and Family

Postnatal depression doesn't just impact new mothers; it can profoundly affect friends and family too, altering dynamics, creating stress, and requiring a shared approach to understanding, support, and navigating the path to recovery together.
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